Saturday, April 6, 2013

Flaw-full & Grateful

I can be perfect! I can't be perfect....wait, I can be perfect! No, ah I cant. Yes, yes I have to be perfect. It's impossible to be perfect!

How many of us have a similar conversation battling in our heads?

Oh that wrinkle, zit, scar, roll, grey HAIR!?

When Jesus arose from the dead on the third day and went to see His disciples, in perfect form, the only scars He thought worth wearing were the wholes in His hands. You see, they were a symbol. Even after He rose, He held up nail pierced hands and bore the very marks of our imperfections - the reason He came.

Just as Jesus carried these scars as a witness to His diciples that He was, in fact, their Jesus, we too should let our inadequacies serve to remind us that our bodies are flawed frames, a temporary dwelling for our soon eternal soul.

Until it is our time to meet our Bridegroom in the Heavens, we must be grateful for our flaw-full-ness. When we embrace our imperfections, we look to a perfect Savior and the need for His daily presence to permeate our lives. Jesus can certainly handle our imperfections. In fact, He went to the cross for them. He came so that we could someday know what it means to live perfectly.

So today, I choose to be grateful for my zits. Yes, that's what I said. I will discipline myself to remember that I can't be perfect - I don't have to be perfect! Because one day soon there will be a glorified version of myself, and Lord knows I can't wait for that day!

So ladies (and gentlemen), let Christ in you be the beauty shining through.


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